Wednesday, September 14, 2016
in: Activity
Even finding out the
estimate was through job. Then, i
wonders, so what are the most popular blogs of Nepal. There wasn't any definite
list but Alexa provided a list of most popular websites of Nepal which included
a few blogs.
So, from the data
provided by Alexa, i have compiled the top 10 most popular Nepali Blogs.
1. Mysansar
Rank among Nepali
Websites : 28
Overall Rank in Alexa:
Started by Salokya in
April 2005, it is one of the first blogs in Nepali Unicode and currently the
most popular Nepali blog. Mainly focused on current issues, it covers the major
political, economic and social happenings of Nepal. The site has received more
than 50 million visitors till date.
2. xNepali
Rank among Nepali
Websites: 86
Overall Rank in Alexa :
Contains news, views and
reviews of Nepali movies and artists. The site claims to have more than 20,000
unique visitors everyday.
3. Ashesh's Blog
Rank among Nepali
Overall Rank in Alexa:
Run by Web developwe
Ashesh Shrestha, the blog is very popular Nepalese for its utilities like
Nepali Calendar, Nepali Unicode and date converter. Blogspots are mainaly
related to information technology and social media.
4. Nepali Football
Rank among Nepali
Websites: 276
Overall Rank in Alexa:
The blog for football
enthusiasts of Nepal. Posts are about league matches, football clubs as well
as football players of Nepal.
5. Akar Post
Rank among Nepali
Websites: 332
Overall Rank in Alexa:
It is one of the most
ubiquitous blogs in the Nepalese blogging scenario. Started by Anil Ghimire, a
Computer Software Engineer in 2007, the blog currently has Sevres contributors
posting about current happenings as well ad socio-political issues of Nepal.
Recordings of literary radio programs are one of the most popular postings in
the blog.
6. Mukesh Chapagain's
Rank among Nepali
Overall Rank in Alexa:
Personal blog of Mukesh
Chapagain, a PHP Magento Programmer and computer Engineer from Nepal. Posts are
mainally about the programming and open source software like Ubuntu.
7. Nepali Blogger
Rank among Nepali
Websites: 625
Overall Rank in
Run by Pradeep Kumar
Singh, a Nepalese student in United Kingdom, the blog wants to be developed as
a community blogging, a community blog that wants a peaceful and democratic
Nepal. Posts are minally about current happenings about Nepal.
8. Lex Limbu's blog
Rank among Nepali
Overall Rank in
Personal blog of Lex
Limbu, a non-resident Nepali student blogger based in the united Kingdom. Blog
posts are minally about entertainment industry of Nepal, I.e. Movies, Music,
9. Nirmal Gyanwali's
Rank among Nepali
Overall Rank in Alexa:
150, 748
About Admin of the Blog:

Tek Bahadur Roka is the Admin of EkhabarrNepal .He is a Tech Geek, SEO Expert, Web Designer and a Pro Blogger. Contact Him Here
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