Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Even finding out the estimate was  through job. Then, i wonders, so what are the most popular blogs of Nepal. There wasn't any definite list but Alexa provided a list of most popular websites of Nepal which included a few blogs.
So, from the data provided by Alexa, i have compiled the top 10 most popular Nepali Blogs.

1. Mysansar
Rank among Nepali Websites : 28
Overall Rank in Alexa:  43,258
Started by Salokya in April 2005, it is one of the first blogs in Nepali Unicode and currently the most popular Nepali blog. Mainly focused on current issues, it covers the major political, economic and social happenings of Nepal. The site has received more than 50 million visitors till date.

2. xNepali
Rank among Nepali Websites: 86
Overall Rank in Alexa : 75,645
Contains news, views and reviews of Nepali movies and artists. The site claims to have more than 20,000 unique visitors everyday.

3. Ashesh's Blog
Rank among Nepali Websites:193
Overall Rank in Alexa: 333,316
Run by Web developwe Ashesh Shrestha, the blog is very popular Nepalese for its utilities like Nepali Calendar, Nepali Unicode and date converter. Blogspots are mainaly related to information technology and social media.

4. Nepali Football League
Rank among Nepali Websites: 276
Overall Rank in Alexa: 703,260

The blog for football enthusiasts of Nepal. Posts are about league matches, football clubs as well as football players of Nepal.

5. Akar Post
Rank among Nepali Websites: 332
Overall Rank in Alexa: 350,989
It is one of the most ubiquitous blogs in the Nepalese blogging scenario. Started by Anil Ghimire, a Computer Software Engineer in 2007, the blog currently has Sevres contributors posting about current happenings as well ad socio-political issues of Nepal. Recordings of literary radio programs are one of the most popular postings in the blog.

6. Mukesh Chapagain's Blog
Rank among Nepali Websites:422
Overall Rank in Alexa: 58,906

Personal blog of Mukesh Chapagain, a PHP Magento Programmer and computer Engineer from Nepal. Posts are mainally about the programming and open source software like Ubuntu.

7. Nepali Blogger
Rank among Nepali Websites: 625
Overall Rank in Alexa:653,119

Run by Pradeep Kumar Singh, a Nepalese student in United Kingdom, the blog wants to be developed as a community blogging, a community blog that wants a peaceful and democratic Nepal.  Posts are minally about current happenings about Nepal.

8. Lex Limbu's blog
Rank among Nepali Websites:1316
Overall Rank in Alexa:860,467

Personal blog of Lex Limbu, a non-resident Nepali student blogger based in the united Kingdom. Blog posts are minally about entertainment industry of Nepal, I.e. Movies, Music, fashion.

9. Nirmal Gyanwali's blog
Rank among Nepali websites:1364
Overall Rank in Alexa: 150, 748

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Starting A Qualified Blog.|READ MORE|

Many magazine brands have blogs, but fail to realize the true potential of the medium. Often, these are good efforts, with good content, a fair level of traffic and perhaps a comment every now and again. Today, i want to look beyond just creating a blog, and share some strategies and tactics for creating a great qualified blog. For the tips below i realize that: .

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Why Blogs for SEO Fail-Three Reasons

There are many benefits to publishing a business blog and improved search engine visibility is one of the most popular. It's pretty common advice to hear: start a blog and the fresh content will attract links, improving your search results. Such tactical  advice can be very effective. 

Unfortunately, the advice gets filtered and distorted, not unlike what happens in the game "telephone" kids play. Pretty soon one or  more Blogs are implemented for the sole purpose and expectation of improving search engine visibility and nothing else.  At least nothing else that's accountable.

What's wrong with this picture? Blogs Started solely SEO objectives will inevitably fail.

Here are few reasons why:

1. Lack of planning and oversight 

After the honeymoon of starting  a blog wears off, those tasked with writing content often get distracted by their other responsibilities. Bit by bit, posts look less and less like keyword optimized web pages and sink back to the familiar writing styles common to public relations and corporate marketing. Gone are the keywords that consumers are searching on. Gone is the traffic that used to come from search engines. 

If SEO efforts persist, they can get sloppy without ongoing oversight either by an outside SEO consultant or an internal blog champion. Keyword uses in blog posts can become disparate or worse, evolve into a keyword stuffing exercise.

2. No passion for the topic

With over 100 million blogs indexed by Technorati, it's a wonder what happened to the 90% or more  than have been abandoned or that don't post more often than every 4 months. It takes commitment, thought out ideas and a sincere interest in a topic to be able to blog about it on an ongoing basis over the long term. 
Can you imagine watching a 30 minute TV show or 2 hour movie you're not interested in ? How long does that last? How about a job you're not interested in ? Do you really excel at it? Do you do the best job possible and do you stick with it? No, no and no.
As a result, bloggers who are not personally interested in a topic will encounter blogger's block quickly and with a shallow level of knowledge on what's being blogged about, readers lose interest quickly and do not return, subscribe or link. 

3. SEO as we've known it is a dying breed 

The loophole based SEO tactics of yore that brought incremental ranking advantage are being efficiently dealt with by search engines. So are paid links. SEO will always have value of course, because as content can be searched on it can be optimized.
However, when it comes to blogs, consumer information discovery trends are involving social networks and social media at an increasing rate. Recommendations are competing with search. When looking at the web analytics of our blog and client blogs, Social media traffic is in the top 5 referring sources of traffic. Blogs are social and social media sources  will become increasingly important for many business blogging efforts in the coming year.

So,what can a company do to build upon and benefit from, the compounding equity that grows with long term blogging and SEO efforts ? I'll be answering that question specially in nest post.

In the meantime, have you started a blog only to lose interest or stop contributing to it? What was your reason? What would you do differently? 

Thank you - 

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Monday, September 12, 2016

Five Paypal Alternative

1. Google Wallet

At the moment, Google wallet is mainly used in the US but it accepts credit or debit cards from many countries. It acts like a digital wallet, more so in the US as you can tap to pay in-store with an NFC-enabled Android device. As for online shopping, there are a handful of online merchants that accept checking out with Google Wallet.

Unlike PayPal, Google Wallet is strictly for merchants, so you cannot send money to another Google Wallets users. However, there are no chargeable fees when using Google Wallet online or in-store, this is good if you're shopping on one of their online merchants where it only accepts US credit cards and not your local one. 

2. Money Bookeers

Money Bookers (Currently also known as Skrill) you to send and receive money to other users. It works with other online banking services in certain countries and for all other countries, you can send and receive money with a debit or credit card. Each country is also charged differently when sending and withdrawing funds from MoneyBookers.
Moneybookers Focuses more on sending money between users as there are very few online merchants that allow you to checkout with its services. However, their main focus of being able to send money of any currency to anywhere in the world is solid, making it a close competitor to paypal.

3. Paymate

Paymate is a great way for sellers based in Australia and New Zeland to get money from international buyers from many countries. Sellers from the two countries can use Paymate on their website or on Ebay Australia for a small fee. 

4. Payza

Formally known as a AlertPay, Payza lets you send and receive money from 190+countries across 21 countries. The service is finally based in US and Canada but also supports certain banks adn credit.debit cards from their recognized countries. You can add funds to your Payza account via bank transfer or credit card, send money to other users, and even request money through invoices.

5. Payoneer

Payoneer is an interesting way to pay for online shopping. Registering for the service grants you access to a prepaid MasterCard which will be sent to your doorstep. Creating an account is free and you're only charged when you activate the card. Once the card is activated, you can load money into the card from your local bank or other credit cards.
An activated Payoneer card can be used in many countries and in different currencies. Of course, maintaining the purpose items and even withdraw money from a MasterCard ATM. 

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Sunday, September 11, 2016

5 SEO Tools For Blogger

Hello friends here are some five SEO tools for blogger, you have to read this. 

                                                                 1.Majestic SEO

Majestic SEO is one of the most advanced and complete SEO services on the market, focusing specifically on link intelligence and domain-based metrics. The tools it has to offer include the site Explorer, Backlink History tool, Keyword Checker, Comparator and a Clique  Hunter. The Comprative tools require a paid subscription, but the free account is enough if you are intersted in your own blog(s).

   2. IIS SEO Toolkit 

The IIS SEO Toolkit has site analysis, Robots Exclusion, Sitemaps and Site index moduls. The site analysis module has a fill-featured crawler engine as well as a Query Builder interface to generate custom reports. The Robots Exclusion module shows robots' content and lets you set "allow" and "disallow" paths, while the sitemap and site index module lets you view, edit and delete sitemap and site index files. 

3. Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Screaming Frog SEO Spider is an extensive website crawling tool that will help you analyze and audit your website for maximum search engine optimization. The SEO spider checks your website's links, CSS, scripts, images and apps to identify problems such as duplicate page, broken links, URL issues and redirect errors.

4. Google Keyword Planner

Since most of your traffic is probably going to come from Google searches, you'll definitely want to take a look at Google's new Keyword Planner. Google's Keyword Planner provides a wealth of information on currently popular keywords that you can further fine tune with advanced filtering options. Keyword Planner also has a historical view, letting you see the popularity of keywords over a twelve- month period.

5. Virante SEO Tools

Virante offers a number of on-site and off-site SEO tools for free on their website. On-site tools include a Duplicate content Tool, an LDA content Optimizer and a Density of keyword Tool. Almost the off-site tools are a Competitive Analysis Tool, a link Atrophy Tool and a Page Rank Recovery Tool. Verante also offer miscellaneous tool like a Clean IP Tool and HTTP header check Tool.

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Friday, September 9, 2016

Best Examination Tips For SLC Student of Nepal

You sit down to study for coming up SLC Exam. You crack open your book and pull out your notes. You start reading over everything, but it seems like nothing is sticking. You start to freak out wondering how in the world you're going to pass your SLC Exam if you can't remember any of the material. 
The reality is that you probably don,t need more time, you just need to change the way that you,re studying. Try out these memorization tips or mnemonic device,to help you study more effectively.

Switch to Audio

The reason you're unable to retain everything you just read in a textbook might be because that's just not the way you learn. Believe it or not, our brains are much better at encoding and interpreting  sound, taste, smell and even colors than text. 

Instead of just relying on reading your notes and textbooks, read yourself reading through your study materials and listen to it. You can even upload it to your iPod and listen to it while you sleep. You might want to consider having a friend do the recording, through. Some people don't like the sound of their own voice. 
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